City of Toledo, OH
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City of Toledo, OH
City Council on 2023-12-05 4:00 PM
Meeting Time: December 05, 2023 at 4:00pm EST
Closed for Comment December 05, 2023 at 4:00pm EST
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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O-638-23 Amending the Rules of Council by repealing and enacting Rule II.E. and Rule VI.D. specifying days for Council Meetings and Zoning & Planning Committee; and declaring an emergency.
Legislation Text
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
R-639-23 Providing for an election on the question of the approval of the passage of an ordinance to amend Chapter 1905 of the Toledo Municipal Code to provide for the continuation of the City's existing temporary additional three-quarters percent (¾%) municipal income tax for a period commencing January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2028, and for one-third (1/3) of the proceeds of that tax to continue to be allocated to Police, Fire, and other Safety Department responsibilities, one-third (1/3) of the proceeds of that tax to continue to be allocated to the General Fund, and one-third (1/3) of the proceeds of that tax to continue to be allocated to the Capital Improvements Fund unless Council, for cause, approves a reallocation to the General Fund; and declaring an emergency.
Legislation Text
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
O-640-23 Amending Sections 1905.01 and 1905.14 of the Toledo Municipal Code to provide, among other matters, for the continuation of the City's existing temporary three-quarters (¾%) municipal income tax for a period commencing January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2028, to continue to provide additional funds for Police, Fire, and other Safety Department responsibilities, for the General Fund, and for the Capital Improvements Fund, and for the allocation of those funds.
Legislation Text
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
R-641-23 Providing for an election on the question of the approval of the passage of an ordinance to amend Chapter 1905 of the Toledo Municipal Code to provide for the continuation of the City's existing temporary one-quarter percent (¼%) municipal income tax for a period commencing January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2028, to continue to provide funds to pay costs of improving the City's system of roads, streets and bridges and to continue to provide for all of the proceeds of that tax to be credited to a separate Road Improvements Fund and the net proceeds, after the costs of its administration, enforcement and collection, to be dedicated and applied solely for that purpose; and declaring an emergency.
Legislation Text
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
O-642-23 Amending Section 1905.011 of the Toledo Municipal Code to provide, among other matters, for the continuation of the City's existing temporary one-quarter percent (¼%) municipal income tax for a period commencing January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2028, to continue to provide funds to pay costs of improving the City's system of roads, streets and bridges and to continue to provide for all of the proceeds of that tax to be credited to a separate Road Improvements Fund and dedicated and applied solely for that purpose after provision for the costs of collection, administration and enforcement of the tax.
Legislation Text
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
O-643-23 Amending portions of Section 933.02 in Title III, Chapter 933 of the Toledo Municipal Code to establish new water rates.
Legislation Text
Utility Rates Resolution
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
O-644-23 Authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $130,000 from the Water Replacement Fund for the purchase of a meter test bench; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and award contracts for said purchase; and declaring an emergency.
Legislation Text
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
O-645-23 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and execute necessary agreements with the Great Lakes Commission (GLC) as subgranted from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Department of Commerce Award "Regional Partnership to Restore Fish Habitat in Priority Great Lake Coastal Sites and Areas of Concern"; authorizing the Mayor to accept and deposit grant proceeds in the amount of $175,100 into the Operation Grants Fund; authorizing the appropriation and expenditure of said grant proceeds for the Collins Park Stream Restoration Engineering & Design project; authorizing the mayor to accept bids and execute necessary agreements and contracts for the purchase of goods and services to administer the grant; and declaring an emergency.
Legislation Text
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
O-646-23 Authorizing the Mayor to renew the Memorandum of Understanding with the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department, for the rodent abatement and release for demolition at properties declared a public nuisance by the Toledo Municipal Code, authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $42,500 from the General Fund; waiving the competitive procurement provisions of TMC Chapter 187; and declaring an emergency.
Legislation Text
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
O-647-23 Authorizing the Mayor to enact an annual license fee upon the operation of motor vehicles on public roads and highways; authorizing the acceptance and deposit all license fee revenues into the Street Construction, Maintenance, and Repair Fund.
Legislation Text
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
O-648-23 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a cooperative grant agreement with and accept financial assistance from the State of Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the Broadway Reconstruction Project; authorizing the acceptance, deposit, appropriation, and expenditure of grant proceeds into the Capital Improvement Fund in an amount not to exceed $234,119; authorizing the Mayor to execute all necessary documentation for said grants; authorizing the Mayor to accept bids and award contracts for said project; and declaring an emergency.
Legislation Text
Amendment 2
Video: Agenda Review 11/28/2023
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